Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I have no shame... The only way to get something out of life is to demand it... So here it is...

Since I don't go out everyday contrary to believe I will start to use POLYVORE.COM to create imaginary virtual outfits I would LOVE to wear if I were a high profile socialite who got pub and paid to look great. That's the life... maybe one day... but even if it does happen I'll still be writing about it. LOL

Visit Polyvore to create your own hot looks, and if your look compels you so much,,, go ahead and email it to me and I'll post it on StylEdit Styles. And I promise I won't take the credit. LOL

Set Created by Aimi Dyana ... Thanks to A.E. for telling me about the site! G*E*M*S

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