Monday, December 1, 2008

American Music Awards

My friend A.T. went to the American Music Awards and asked for a little help in the wardrobe dept. A.T.'s style can be defined as whimsical and bohemian but since it was the American Music Awards, where anything goes, I figured I would introduce A.T. to the trend of plaid, which is definitely not in her vocab. We decided not to do anything big for her first outfit, we didn't want to take it too far "out of her element" but there's no telling what lies ahead for future outfits to come! :)

Complete look under $75
Los Angeles, CA
-American Music Awards-

(Black & White Plaid shirt, 2 necklaces (red & gold), bunch of bracelets, black leggings, Black leg warmers and black toe-out leather booties)

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